- Price below $100€
- Direct-sampling of signals using high-speed ADC
- No decimation of data. Everything goes to the CPU
- Gigabit Ethernet link
- FPGA to do the magic between the ADC and GE link
- Possibility to develop the use of undersampling by the ADC
- Connector to accommodate for HPSDR Gibraltar-like clock and Tx capability, to be developed later
The ICs and other components should be possible to get for below $100€. The PCB I'm not sure about. The HPSDR project sells theirs through TAPR for $10 to $30, so it looks promising.
I have no economical means to make a bigger batch of these boards if they ever become more than an idea, but maybe TAPR and others would be interested.
The CPU will have a lot to deal with, and I doubt processors much below 3GHz 4P equivalent would deliver good performance. With some software maturity it might however be possible to do fewer unnecessary things and thus still deliver good SDR performance on ~2GHz P4 equiv. machines.
Once, if ever, the hardware platform is "done", I'd like to begin developing strange and curious ways to deal with all this data that drops in from the aether. Hm. Aether... Should develop a nice play of words on that to name the hardware by.
Here's the TI page on their POE controllers: http://tinyurl.com/3dhmb6
Most are only a dollor or two.
Thanks for that. Saves me a lot of trouble. :)
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